Tuesday 18 May 2010

Super Slimmer David Lost 220 Pounds!

I recently met David through Twitter and Facebook and his story is an incredible story about how having the determination to reach your goals can get you through to them. He has lost an incredible amount of weight and is a wonderful example that anyone who really is willing to work for it can achieve success, no matter how far they still have to travel on their weight-loss and fitness journey.

Read on to find out more about how this amazing man has lost 220 pounds!


Name: David Fisher

Age: 42

Starting weight & ending weight:/ 425 lbs (30 st 5 lbs)

Current weight: 220 lbs (15 st 10 lbs)

Amount of weight lost: 205 lbs (14 st 9 lbs)

Time it took to reach: 12 months

Time maintaining it: 6 months

Goal weight: 210 lbs

About yourself: I started a small site which I’m still working on right now at Going For Goal and I’m on twitter @goingforgoal.

How did you go about losing the weight? Was there any specific plan? I’ve been a member of weight watchers for 5 years, and I finally decided to start following the plan.

What motivated you to lose the weight? What were your reasons for wanting to lose it? Did you have a particular moment that gave you the final push to start or was it more gradual? I was simply tired of being overweight, not able to participate in normal activities and it all came to a head in December of 2008 when my doctor pretty much yelled at me for not even making an attempt to lose weight. I decided that since I couldn’t lose the weight and live for myself, I needed to do it for my child. She needs a father and I want to be the one to raise her.


What struggles and problems did you endure while at your heaviest weight? What, if any, health problems were present? It was very hard to find clothing and I couldn’t touch my toes, let alone see them. When going to a restaurant I could never sit in a booth, only a table with chairs. I had high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, diabetes and had already had 3 strokes. I couldn’t even wear a seatbelt in a car because I was so large.

How has your life changed since losing the weight? How have you changed? Do you feel like your overall health has improved? Well I went from a 64-inch to a 38-inch waist and a tight 6xl shirt to a looser-fitting XL shirt. I can do everything my 7 year old can do and then some. My overall health has improved significantly; my doctor wrote across my medical chart, “Obesity resolved, Diabetes Resolved, Blood Pressure under control.” He also mentioned that, in over 30 years as a doctor, he had never seen anyone make such a turnaround weight-wise.

Have the people in your life been supportive of you on your weight loss journey? Have there been any challenges created by others in your life? While I have had a lot of support from family and friends, most of the support didn’t really start until I had results. That’s understandable really, since I had been telling everyone I was going to lose weight for years and never did. Most of my challenges come from my own inner demons. Since I don’t drink at all, depression breeds the munchies for me, so that was my biggest challenge I think.

What are a typical day’s meals for you? I try and have a variety of different meals on a daily basis and I never have sodas (well almost never,) never have red meat and I always eat a lot of vegetables including a lot of spinach. That’s really been my saving grace; you can eat a truckload of spinach and not even come close to your daily points limit.

What exercise, if any, do you do? I only walk and swim but to be honest, I didn’t start doing that until my weight loss had hit around 180 lbs (12 st 12 lbs).

What was the most difficult for you while losing the weight? I think snacking was the most difficult; it’s very hard to keep away from snacking on a daily basis.

What helped you the most? Weight Watchers and my leader Bev Hadley. She really gave me more encouragement than anyone. Through her encouragement I was able to win first prize in the Weight Watchers 2010 Role Model Of The Year contest.

Any tips for others trying to lose weight? In order to lose weight , you have to 1) commit yourself to losing the weight 2) find a support group, (I use Weight Watchers myself but I think any good support group will help) and 3) no matter what, believe in yourself and keep with it.


If David's story has inspired and impressed you, please take a moment to tell him so in the comments below!


  1. Thats awesome. and your number 3 is right on! Believe in yourself and keep with it!!

    Check out my Beachbody coach site www.fitnessachievement.com if you get a chance, I'd love some blog love.

  2. fantastic, what an insoiration - If you can do it so can I!

  3. Wow! You don't even look like the same guy! Congratulations on the weight loss!
